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Hari Raya Party BASH!{Bazlin's Edition}

 hello my little foxes 💕! How is every ones HARI RAYA going so far I know I haven't been posting and you can guess why. Hari Raya has been getting to me well no blame its our year for celebration. By title you can guess my school is having a bashing, exhilarating and FUN.

 If I'm honest my clothes this time looks like a fish😢 but then again its pretty cute😍 not my best blue colour .... I could of done better. Anyways apparently no one in my class brought rice... oh god besides that I on the other hand I mostly got snacks.

 Also does anyone have a cool teacher like our teachers she is playing a movie while we eat our food😇 its going to be fun promise. So I need to get going the party does not start with out me its just a fact by this point bye my foxes~.
