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The place I want to revisit [by Danial Hakimi]

 Hello everyone! It's your daily Thursday blogger Danial Hakimi back at it again with another blog!  Today's blog was actually already written, but for some unknown reason, the blog disappeared in thin air. So this is a redo. Hope you enjoy~

I've actually been saving up for a trip to Japan, the place I want to revisit again would be Jerudong Park, it is a very big, lovely and joyful place. My aunt takes me there with my brother during the holidays. Fun fact, Michael Jackson in the 90's actually went to Brunei to set an Ampi theater at Jerudong Park. He is my favorite singer because he has a lot of great songs. He is also very nice, he once heard about a boy who needed a kidney transplant, so he flew for days to find the right kidney. When he did he was so grateful to the person and the boy lived on.

My favorite place is Jerudong Park because it's just a fun place, I like the food they sell, the waterpark and all the rides. My personal favorite is the pirate ship, it gives the people a chance to face their fears of the rough seas and heights, one of the big pirate ship's can do a 360 loop. 

Alright everyone, that's it and that's all. I'll be returni
ng with another blog every Thursday. Share this blog and stay safe out there. 
