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 Welcome back guys to a new blog. Today I am going to tell you all about the place I would like to take again. Since you know that there is COVID  so we can't travel, maybe by 2026 we can go. Just 5 more years guys, we can make it. so the place I would like to visit is Indonesia Java 

Its where all my Indonesians cousins are at. I can visit them all again. there is also a very big mall 

by the way $1 BND is $10.00 RP and just $1 RP and get you a small drink, 2 pens and a bag of sweets.

 a swimming pool

by the way the pool is ice cold, better than here

And the most best of all........this

  And no I am not mentally ill. This is the best experience and if you want to get the best out of it, use a motorcycle

That is all for today guys see you again in the next blog and you know  rules and so do I and now say goodbye

before we go, there is a vid bellow this text to explain you further
