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My Own Recipe To Make Fish and Chips (Western)

 Hi , it's me Muizz back here with another blog .Today , I'm gonna tell you about My Own Recipe To Make Fish and Chips .We will talk about it in the next paragraph .First , I'm going to talk about you , How are you .I'm doing just fine . Ok ,now I am going to talk about how To Make Fish and Chips with My Own Recipe.

Ok ,now the ingredient is 1 big nugget of fish ,1 bag of fries or you can call them chips, olive oil and black pepper. Now I'm going to talk about how to make Fish and Chips. First, get a pan put the olive oil in the pan and let it heat a little bit , then take the Fish or the Fries but I recommend Fries first then Fish. Take the bag of fries and put it in the pan and wait 3 minutes to let it fry. Then, when the 3 minutes is over take it out using a big spoon that has holes so the fries wont be oily . Then, take the big nugget of fish and fry it but this big nugget of fish might take a while to fry I recommend 5-8 minutes. Then, when the 5-8 minutes is over take it out with the big spoon that has holes in it. Then put the big nugget of fish and the fries in a plate and seasoning it with the black pepper. There you have it Fish and Chips.

Bye, now I'm done now .
